Energy Efficiency

Improving project ROI and simplifying M&V

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Exclusive incentives

We specialize in maximizing ISO/Utility incentives and tracking results

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Energy Efficiency Incentives
Energy Efficiency Incentives
Sign-up before Aug 31, 2022 for exclusive IESO EE incentive program through Rodan.
Facility Intelligence Dashboard
Identify energy savings and efficiency opportunities. Track and report results.

IESO Energy Efficiency (EE) Incentive Program

Efficiency Pilot Program

Rodan has secured exclusive capacity in this program. Space is limited.

Facilities that are undergoing retrofit projects that will result in lower energy use can receive incentive payments from the IESO.

Piloted by the IESO as a low-cost resource that will complement existing incentive-based programs, the EE was created to help improve the Ontario grid’s system reliability.

Program Timing

The pilot program is split into two periods: Winter 2022 and Summer 2023. Participating facilities have the option of participating with their respective retrofit project for any single period or for both periods.

Winter Obligation Period
  • Nov 01, 2022 – Feb 28, 2023
Summer Obligation Period
  • June 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023

Types of Energy Retrofits

Types of retrofit projects that qualify for the program are listed below.

This is not a comprehensive list. The IESO will consider any innovative approach to energy savings that can measured and verified.

Contact Rodan to discuss these or other projects.

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Rodan’s Role & Responsibilities

Rodan Energy secured capacity in both periods of the EE auction in order to offer these incentives to engaged facilities through-out Ontario.

Our responsibilities to our customers and the IESO include:

  • Helping evaluate Energy Retrofit opportunities at a facility
  • Implementing measurement procedures (including metering) to measure the projected savings
  • Create and establish baseline energy use
  • Aggregate KWs and enroll client in the EE program
    • Carry out all administrative costs for enrollment
    • Protect clients from IESO penalty due to non-performance – Rodan assumes all risks
  • Receive payments from the IESO
  • Disburse earned revenue to each respective client
  • Notify clients of any additional requirements or changes to the program
  • Provide insight to client on any future IESO programs where a project can be enrolled to earn further revenue

Requirements to Qualify

To maximize the available incentive, enroll your project with Rodan by August 31, 2022 to qualify for the Winter obligation period.

Qualifying projects must fit the following criteria:

  • The measure must not already be installed or implemented, and there must be no binding commitment (ie. contract or purchase order) to acquire the measure or services required to install or implement the measure prior to April 9th, 2021, the publication of the post-auction report of this program.
  • Minimum contribution of 100 KW per season
  • Retrofit project needs to be completed prior to the start of the Delivery Period
  • EE Program Specific: Currently, retrofit projects cannot be enrolled into any other current IESO subsidiaries

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Next Steps With Rodan

The time is right to evaluate this program for your planned facility upgrades.

  1. Share your retrofit plan with Rodan’s business development director
  2. Have Rodan request your facility usage data to determine the facility baseline.
  3. Determine the right KW for enrollment and outline the measurement and verification (M&V) plan.
  4. Execute an agreement by August 31st, for the first enrollment period.