Customer-sited battery systems provide resiliency and can reduce the cost of electricity for large C&I facilities.
To support a sustainable future grid, the State of Illinois is providing rebates to qualifying facilities to install battery storage. These rebates are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rodan offers a full suite of services to evaluate, design, install and operate battery storage systems at customer sites, usually with no requirement for capital from the customer. In Ameren, any site with over 1 MW of baseload served on a DS3 or DS4 tariff is eligible.
To support a sustainable future grid, the State of Illinois is providing rebates to qualifying facilities to install battery storage. These rebates are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rodan offers a full suite of services to evaluate, design, install and operate battery storage systems at customer sites, usually with no requirement for capital from the customer. In Ameren, any site with over 1 MW of baseload served on a DS3 or DS4 tariff is eligible.
Contact Rodan today to get the ball rolling on a cleaner, lower cost future.