Rodan at PowerGen. Paul giving a talk about EnergizeUkraine

Rodan at PowerGen. Paul giving a talk about EnergizeUkraine

The Ukrainian electric grid is under attack from Russia and grid operators are working tirelessly to keep it from failing. They are erecting cement barriers in front of transformers and quickly repairing damage after aerial strikes destroy equipment. It has been estimated that more than 50% of the Ukrainian grid will need to be rebuilt once the war is over. In this special briefing, youā€™ll hear firsthand about the damages that the grid operator is sustaining and learn about Energize Ukraine, a joint effort between the Ukrainian World Congress, Clarion Cares and others to collect both financial and equipment donations to help rebuild.Ā #energyĀ #ukrainegridĀ #PowerGen23

JoinĀ Paul GrodĀ as he gives an update on the Ukraine Electric Grid at PowerGen today.
PowerGen International Tuesday February 21, 2023.Ā
Special briefing: Update on the Ukraine electric grid
Feb 21, 2023
3:15 PM – 3:45 PM
Booth #229, Exhibit Hall
Knowledge Hub- New Energy Mix + Microgrids

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