Webinar: Electricity Saving Opportunity for Large Users

Webinar: Electricity Saving Opportunity for Large Users


Rodan Energy wants you to reduce your energy spend!

Date: Thursday, February 2 AT 10AM

Launched by Ministry of Energy in 2010, the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) delivered a strong incentive for large electricity consumers to shift their electricity consumption to off-peak hours. The current program only included users with monthly peak demands exceeding 3 MWs.

Under the new ICI regulations scheduled to take effect in 2017, the expanded ICI program will include energy consumers with a monthly peak demand greater than 1MW. Under ICI, these consumers will also be charged Global Adjustment on the basis of their share of the total system demand during the highest five peak hours of the year.

Join us on Thursday, February 2 AT 10AM to learn more about the 2017 ICI program, its benefits, enrollment rules, and introduce you to other energy saving opportunities.

Webinar topics will include:

  • Learn how to take full advantage of the new ICI Program and rules
  • Understand why companies are choosing us to reduce their Energy Spend
  • Learn about the number #1 rated, real-time dashboard tool that can help you predict the peaks (reduce your Global Adjustment charges)
  • Gain an understanding of what methods of load reduction are right for your facility

Customer Impact Example (widgets manufacturer)

As an illustrative example of this new program, a widgets manufacturer with an average peak demand of 2 MW that participates in the ICI program could see its electricity price reduced from $154 per MWh to as low as $102 per MWh.

This would result in energy cost savings of up to $42,000 per month.

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