A By-the-Numbers Look at the Benefits of Distributed Generation and the Smart Grid

A By-the-Numbers Look at the Benefits of Distributed Generation and the Smart Grid

According to SmartGrid Canada, the smart grid “takes advantage of the declining costs in computing and telecommunications to enable more intelligence to be embedded into the power grid.” This provides utility providers to integrate renewable electricity, provide power reliability, and optimize the grid through the storage of energy. A distributed generation program, involving effective energy management, is a foundational piece to developing the smart grid. Here is a by-the-numbers look at the benefits of distributed generation and the smart grid.

  • 5 GW: A 2015 article from Area Development states that the Global Smart Grid Federation has called Canada a leader in the development of smart grid technology, with 5 GW of distributed generation, 49 percent smart meter penetration, 4,000 electric vehicles, and almost 1,000 charging stations.
  • $85.6 million: The Area Development article further stated that for every $100 million invested in power system assets, the GDP gets an $85.6 million boost and about 1,200 jobs will be created for the year.
  • 71 Percent: In spite of leading the way in the development of a smart grid, Canadians pay high costs for electricity. In fact, Ontario consumers saw a 71 percent increase of electricity prices in just eight years.
  • One Half: About half the cost of electricity for large energy users is due to use of energy during peak demand hours. If use of electricity during peak demand hours is reduced, so is the cost of energy.
  • $100,000 MW/year: Demand response, which is part of an effective energy management program, qualifies Canadian participants with incentives of up to $100,000 MW/year, while decreasing monthly energy costs and increasing reliability in the electric system.
  • Zero Cost: Rodan Energy Systems can help you develop an energy management strategy that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of distributed generation at low to no cost and with no capital investment.

If you would like more information about distributed generation and its benefits for your company,Ā contact us.

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