A Smarter Approach to Energy Savings is the Need of the Hour

A Smarter Approach to Energy Savings is the Need of the Hour

On average, energy accounts for 20% of a building’s total costs. Utility bills are rising, and this is no more true than in Ontario, where the increase in power costs has surpassed increases in food and housing costs. Previously, it was mostly industries and businesses with data centers and power-hungry processes that treated energy management as a high-priority task; in today’s landscape of quickly-increasing utility bills, all types of corporations are seeking out sustainable, cost-efficient solutions.

In our experience assisting industrial, commercial and institutional customers with energy cost management, Rodan Energy Solutions has identified opportunities and proposed solutions that curb costs without compromising performance or work environment. By executing creative solutions, we have helped clients save money and realize bottom-line benefits.

Finding the opportunity in the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI)

Managing energy costs is by no means an easy task for an organization to take on without a dedicated energy manager or specialist, and is a sustained, collaborative effort. Efficient energy management involves analysis and matching the best strategies and systems to the unique characteristics of the organization/facility and operation. It is also about capitalizing on available opportunities and incentives, one of the more significant which is the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI).

ICI offers consumers the opportunity to move their electricity consumption to off-peak hours to significantly lower their bills. The most recent expansion to the incentive came into effect on January 1, 2017, and is available to consumers whose average monthly peak demand is between one and five megawatts. Capitalizing on this incentive allows you to cut down your electricity bills as well as reduce cost pressure on the electricity system.

Partnering with Rodan Energy through our advisory services, allows your organization to extract maximum advantage from ICI in a painless manner while recognizing meaningful savings that directly impact your bottom line.

What kind of advice and solutions are we talking about?

We have put in place a number of highly-effective systems and solutions to assist customers with substantial annual energy and cost savings. In the event that we cannot identify any opportunities to save costs, your organization will not be charged any fees for our service. We’re invested in your goal as much as you are, and don’t operate solely with a profit motive. Our clients include the University of Ottawa and the City of Toronto, for whom we have solved a range of issues from systems disruptions and need for revenue generation to demand management and response.




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