5 Reasons Why Every Power Producer Needs a Dedicated Meter Service Provider (MSP)

5 Reasons Why Every Power Producer Needs a Dedicated Meter Service Provider (MSP)

Electricity metering determines how your facility is paid for the power that is produced. By engaging an experienced Meter Service Provider (MSP) early in the design and planning stages, your facility will have access to:

[retinaiconbox icon=”key” circle=”true or false” color=”#289dcc” background=”#efefef” title=”Experience”]A committed team of experts that will ensure a correct installation the first time by adhering to applicable metering codes and standards issued by Measurement Canada, IESO and Hydro One or the local utility.[/retinaiconbox]
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[retinaiconbox icon=”desktop” circle=”true or false” color=”#289dcc” background=”#efefef” title=”Dedication”]A dedicated team to closely manage & monitor your cash register to ensure you are paid correctly.[/retinaiconbox]
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[retinaiconbox icon=”group” circle=”true or false” color=”#289dcc” background=”#efefef” title=”Flexibility”]Dedicated customer service & rapid response times for communication failures.[/retinaiconbox]
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[retinaiconbox icon=”trophy” circle=”true or false” color=”#289dcc” background=”#efefef” title=”Services”]Ongoing management of communication & telemetry.[/retinaiconbox]
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[retinaiconbox icon=”ok-sign” circle=”true or false” color=”#289dcc” background=”#efefef” title=”Insight”]Access to valuable data from which to gain insight.[/retinaiconbox]

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There are many considerations when planning for a metering installation. Developers should start the planning process early and treat electricity metering individually by creating a separate scope of work rather than bundling it as part of the responsibility of the General and/or Electrical Contractor.

An experienced MSP will help you to plan long term with respect to the functionality of the equipment and will help you to choose the technology that will provide the type of data output and connectivity that your facility requires. If you are developing multiple projects, engaging a dedicated MSP to manage all of your sites will allow you to take advantage of commonality across all sites and realize efficiencies.

Rodan Energy is Ontario’s leading Meter Service Provider, offering province wide coverage. Our experienced team of project managers, engineers, journeyman meter technicians and electricians have been involved with the majority of new generation projects in Ontario in the past decade. We have significant experience in greenfield and complex metering projects for solar, wind, fossil, nuclear, hydro & CHP power developers.


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