Demand Response: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Demand Response: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Demand Response: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for more information about Demand Response programs? Read on for more information on what they are, how they work, and how we can help you participate.

Q: What is Demand Response, and what is it designed to do?

A: Demand Response programs compensate large energy users who help to ease the high demand for energy during peak demand hours. The programs are designed to balance the supply and demand of the electricity grid in order to prevent outages that occur when demand for electricity is higher than the supply of electricity available. It also prevents the need to use backup fossil fuel generators, which are responsible for adding more pollution.

Q: How do energy users ease the demand for energy?

A: Energy reductions occur through a combination of management of equipment and processes, shifting production to non-peak hours, and using other energy resources.

Q: Are there any direct benefits for businesses participating in the program?

A: Yes! Depending on your zone, you could receive up to $60,000 MW/year, in addition to decreasing your monthly energy costs. DR can be used as a green initiative and is helping to prevent the construction of new power plants by increasing the electricity-system reliability in your community. All of these benefits are risk-free and without capital investment through Rodan Energy Solutions.

Q: Who can participate in Rodan Energy Solutions’ Demand Response program?

A: Rodan Energy Solutions works with large consumers such as manufacturing plants, retail outlets, data and distribution centers, commercial buildings, and municipal water treatment plants and pumping stations. Additionally, we work with residential and small commercial energy producers who also wish to reduce their demand for energy.

Q: How does the Demand Response program work?

A: Rodan Energy’s team of energy managers will assess your energy usage and enroll you in the plan that suits your operating parameters. We will manage all aspects of your enrollment, including notifications and payments on your behalf. We will also develop a curtailment plan to maximize your revenue through the program and ensure that DR is a long-term energy management strategy for your facility.

Are you ready to get started with your Demand Response program? If so, contact us today.

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