DR3 Refresher

For active participants in the enershift DR3 program, we would like to provide you with a seasonal update. With provincial electricity demand increasing this time of year, DR3 activations will become increasingly probable. For this reason we would like to remind you of the following:

Program Availability Hours
As of June 1st, the DR3 seasonal program hours of availability shift to the 12:00-21:00 Eastern Daylight Time window (currently 16:00-21:00). Please be prepared to deliver your committed capacity if an activation takes place during this time.

Demand Response Availability
Please be aware that any substantial changes to your facility’s regular operation (e.g. power or maintenance outages, or schedule changes) should be reported to Rodan’s Network Operation Center (NOC). Changes in your facility’s electrical consumption/production occurring on Business Days between 08:00 – 21:00 will affect your facility’s baseline, which could potentially impede your ability to provide your committed capacity. It is important that any changes be reported to Rodan’s NOC at ClientCare.NOC@rodanenergy.com as soon as possible. Doing so may allow Rodan to mitigate potential financial setoffs. Similarly, if you believe you can increase your provided DR commitment, let us know so that further opportunities can be explored.

Updated Contact Information
As one of your facility’s designated contacts, you will receive DR3 Standby and Activation Notifications when DR3 events are called. If there are any changes to the facility staff responsible for acknowledging the Standby/Activation Notices or with direct responsibility for providing your demand response, please let us know as soon as possible. As per your previously decided-upon preference, you will be contacted by any combination of email, phone, fax, or SMS.

Rodan Contact Information:
Email distribution list: ClientCare.NOC@rodanenergy.com
DR3 Event Phone Support: Local: 905-625-9900 x288

New DR3 Event Trigger Mechanism
As part of DR3 program control being transferred to the IESO, a new trigger mechanism will be implemented with the aim of better aligning activations with IESO system needs. Beginning June 1st, DR3 events will be triggered when the pre-dispatch price of electricity exceeds $200/MWh in any of six new regional zones:

S.Central/S.West/Georgian Bay
West/Long Point
N. East

Each zone’s price is created by averaging the pre-dispatch shadow price for each hour of the day for each of the resources in the zone (note that the Regional Prices will be provided by the IESO in a simplified report later in the 2014 season, but the raw data is publicly available now – Contact Rodan for more in depth details). IESO may also activate DR3 as a result of emergency situations.
No further changes to standby or activation procedures are occurring at this time; the only change is in regards to how the program is triggered. The IESO has performed its own analysis and does not anticipate a significant change in the frequency of DR3 events as a result of the new triggering method.

Communications/Notifications Test
Rodan’s Network Operation Center (NOC) will be conducting a communication test of our DR3 notification system this week. Members of your company’s designated DR3 notification contact list will receive a notice via your preferred communication method(s) (e.g. email, phone, SMS, etc.). We ask that you please respond to this notification as though it was a real event; to indicate you received the notification, and acknowledge the receipt of it according to the message’s instructions. No curtailment will be necessary as part of this test. We appreciate your cooperation.

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